Friday, October 16, 2009


I have not posted anything for many months now. I am going to start fresh and make changes to my writing. I will be more uplifting and look at the good in things. I have been making goals every month that will improve my life and I will be putting those on here as well as updating my progress with them.
for starters I work for Netgear, my job can be stressful and since I am not a morning person I act like I do not like it. I do like my job but know that I do not want to work at a call center all of my life. My day starts at 5:30 a.m I go to work and then right after work go to school. School makes me so happy right now. There are six girls in my class and we all get along great we were ment to be in this class together. Our learning leader Amy is so fun and I love learning from her. She focuses on the different ways we all learn so we all get the most out of class instead of being frustrated because you can't get it but the person next to you can. In class I learned that I am a driver this means that I like to jump in and start doing stuff not just write notes.
Currently I am living at my best friends house. Her parents have been so nice to let me stay there. I am not dating anyone although I am not opposed :) And love to just stay out have good clean fun and meet new people.
I love hanging out with friends I am LDS and love the gospel. I don't drink, smoke or sleep around. And yet I have so much fun all the time.

*My goal this month is to find good outlets for stress, and anger.
*I have a second goal which is to "think positive" this means that even when I am frustrated or mad I find something good in the situation instead of focusing on the bad.

<3 Teresa G

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